Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Day 8: Accountability

Matt surprised me this morning by declaring it my day! He had gone in to work over the holiday weekend and was going to stay home today and let me be in charge of what we do. I had planned on going to the YMCA with the girls, so I figured I'd let him take a much needed nap while I went. While there, I signed up for an orientation to the online workout program for Thursday. (I think it will just be 30 minutes w/ one of their trainers showing me how to use the machines, but I'm not sure). Once I've done this, I will have access to a computer-based workout program that I hope I can use to whip myself into fitness. :)

When we got back, we all went to Culvers (yay!), then went to a park and let Lilly play on the playground. Finally, at 6:00 Matt had to tutor someone at the library, so Lilly, Tina and I went and enjoyed the library while he tutored. When we got home we had worn Lilly and Tina out enough that they actually were both sleeping by about 9:10. HALLELLULIAH!!! It was like heaven. We watched a show together and ate a late dinner. Now, Matt just finished doing the dishes and appears to be cleaning the stove. (Swoon!) It's been a wonderful day. :)

I am also happy because I am doing better on my checklist. I haven't worked out in a LONG time, so just that one check makes me feel very happy.

Here it is:

Wake up at 7:00
15 minute clean
Prepare for the next day
Take Iron
Give Tina her vitamin D
At least some outside Time
At least some play with Lilly time
Be on time 
Cross at least one thing off to-do list
Write in journal
Laundry (on laundry day)
Visiting Teaching
Something for my SS class
General Conference Talk
Date Night
Scripture Study
Bed by 11:00
Call a Family Member
Play with Tina
Not go to McDonalds

I'm going to be working on finding a better way to do a visual on my spreadsheet. Eventually I'll figure out a nice graph or something....

This was Tina's first time in a big girl swing! (And Lilly decided to join her even though she has mostly graduated to REALLY big girl swings :)


Christina said...

Wonderful update, thanks! Sounds like a great day :) And that pic of Lilly in the swing is wonderful.

Christina said...

Hey, I need some more posts por favor!