Monday, March 2, 2015

Reflecting on February: Spirituality

February was unfairly short and left me feeling a little unfinished with my goal of spirituality. I didn't do a lot of what I planned, but instead of focusing on that (because obviously I gained nothing from the parts I didn't do) I want to reflect on "any positive change."

First, I'll share a secret. I have another year-long goal that I'm not writing about on this blog. I have a spiritual question that I have no answers for. I've had it for years and I have never made a serious effort to resolve it because it was discouraging how little is said about this question. I finally decided to put James 1:5 to the test on this issue.
James 1:5-- If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

 This year I am putting everything I have into this question. I'm going to ask and ask and ask God, but I am also going to show God that I am doing my part to receive personal revelation.

So. What did I do in February? I laid the groundwork for this "other" goal. I searched for resources related to my question and I compiled a list of books, essays, talks, scriptures, etc. to study. I started studying them. 

Matt bought me a special notebook from Hallmark to use specifically for insights that I receive as I study this "question of the soul" as I like to call it. 

And, you may I filling it with insights? So far, each page I study leads me to several other sources that I want to study. So far, I'm filling it with "leads." Not many clues yet, but for the first time I feel like I have leads and that in and of itself is exciting. Having a plan, taking control. It's good stuff. Of course, I hope that God will share in this experience with me and begin giving me clues, and eventually help me to put the puzzle together. For now, I'm just excited to have a starting point.


Shera R. said...
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Shera R. said...

Did my first post show up? It went wired when I logged in to leave the comment and I don't want to retype it..

Shera R. said...

not sure what it's doing.. but original post said.. I am curious what your question is. Good luck in your journey to fins the answer and by following your leads. Sometime questions won't be answered but you find a lot of knowledge and truth in the leads you follow. Good luck

Anonymous said...

That's exciting, Cam. :) Can't wait to hear more. Good luck with March! Treat yo-self


Alysha and Jason said...

I love this! You inspire me :)

Emily said...

That's awesome, Cam! I will keep you in my prayers as well.

Mindy said...

I love the faithful questioning--such a good place to be.