Sunday, August 5, 2012

Month Three: The Journal Challenge

The Challenge:

Spend at least fifteen minutes writing in my journal every day for a month.

Although journaling has been on my mind for a long time (we're talking at least three years) I have managed to put it off over and over. This time, there is no escape for journaling. It's. Going. DOWN. Booyah.

The challenge starts tomorrow (August 6, 2012) and ends September 6, 2012. Anyone want to join me on this one?


Christina said...

Mmm...nope. Sorry. I do fine with journaling. I will, however, be starting my own perfect month--I will practice the piano every day for a month. No time restriction. Just doing scales for a minute or two is fine. And I allow exceptions for days I don't have access to a piano (like on my three day hike next week).

Perfect August! Let's do it! :)

Matt Rowley said...

You would carry a piano with you on your hike if you were really committed!

Christina said...

Oh shoot, Matt, I didn't see this comment until after the hike! Too bad, that was a brilliant suggestion. Well, next time I summit King's Peak I'l have to remember that.