Monday, July 2, 2012

Month Two: The Scripture Challenge

July 1st (yesterday) was the first day of my second perfect month, and the goal for this month is: a perfect month of scripture study.

I will study 30 minutes of scriptures every day of July.

The only other parameter for this goal is that I will keep study notes in a notebook as I go. I've found that doing this seriously improves my scripture study. For this goal, I've invited Matt to join me. I also invite any readers to do this one with me. I am excited to hear how this goal affects us all.

Alma 32:27 is my inspiration for this month:

But behold, if ye will awake and arouse your faculties, even to an experiment upon my words, and exercise a particle of faith, yea, even if ye can no more than desire to believe, let this desire work in you, even until ye believe in a manner that ye can give place for a portion of my words.

And so begins my second perfect month experiment. 


Christina said...

Gulp. Okay, I'm in. I'll do it with you starting today. :) Godspeed!

Christina said...

My second day of the challenge went very well! I had a great talk with Dad a few days ago about things he's done with his scripture study. He showed me some documents he'd created. I noticed he tends to do his study with projects--work that will result in a quality, finished product worth saving. For example, he created a gospel harmony of the last week of Christ's life, and another of the Creation. Then there's his blog about believing in the Christ of the Bible. And other awesome things. We discussed some of his projects, and I realized that this approach to studying would work really well for me, too. I think I'll be more motivated to study something thoroughly if I'm working toward a finished product that I'll be proud of and want to use as a study aid for years to come. I'm starting a three-ring binder to keep such projects! Yesterday I started planning this during my study. I think my first project will be to create a simple visual diagram of the events of the book of Mormon. Huzzah!

Christina said...

Had another great study today! I think this blog thing is brilliant. Just the idea of sharing my thoughts in a comment motivated me. Maybe I'd better start my own goals blog. Anyway, although I'm excited about the projects I mentioned in my last comment, I also want to keep going with my read-through of the Bible. So I decided it might be good to save my Bible notes in a word doc that I could use as a future study guide. It worked! I usually read a quick OT chapter before spending most of my time on something else. Today I got so excited about Leviticus 2 that the short chapter took my whole 30 min and then some. And it was about sacrifices! I got excited about sacrifices! :D

Teri said...

Wow, Christina, I am getting really inspired by your comments! Those are great ideas and I love the thought of using your scripture study to create something. Cam, this is awesome. I just read the post but can I jump on the bandwagon, too??? Also, it's been 3 days since this was written - how has it been going?????

Christina said...

Aw, thanks Teri! Glad to hear you're aboard. :) (p.s. are you coming to jaime's birthday?)

Emily said...

I am officially in as well! :) Also, the picture your chose for this post is adorable, Cam!

Jaime said...

I had really been looking forward to seeing your new goal, and I'm so glad you're continuing the goal! I'm excited to read about this.