To be honest, I don't remember much about my runs on days 22 or 23 (Monday or Tuesday) but I do remember that it was 94 degrees with 76% humidity on Tuesday and Wednesday. Our little air conditioner was not cutting it. I did run my 1.11 mile loop on Monday and Tuesday. By Wednesday (day 24) I was so discouraged and exhausted by the second 94 degree day in a row that I ran my shorter run. (0.8 something miles)
A week or two ago several friends of mine mentioned that they had begun exercise goals that were inspired by "The Perfect Month." I've talked to a few of you and heard that the goals are still going strong. I officially invite you to brag in the comments under this post. I am so grateful to hear from you because it makes me feel like I have company in this crazy goal of mine! I began this blog as a way to make me accountable for my goals and thanks to you all it has really helped me succeed. What have you done as a result of reading this blog?
I just finished my own perfect month. Thanks for the inspiration!
Wow, good work, Steve!! :)
I'm halfway through my perfect week of focused, 30 min scripture studies. It's going great!
So, I started reading and commenting on your blog only with the intent of being a supportive friend and because it was fun to read about your life. I had NO intention of being motivated to any sort of goals myself, haha. But I suppose being exposed to your running goal and thinking about it more helped change my mind subconsciously! Boo-yah! So, I started a running program going from having absolutely no running endurance to being able to run a 5K. It's been 2 weeks and I have more than quadrupled the amount I could run! Yay! I am feeling so much better about myself mentally and I want to write a blog post about it, because this comment is getting ridiculously long, haha. Thanks for the great example, Cam! You inspired me to run, despite my ridiculous lack of inertia.
Teri, you DO know that having less inertia would allow you to achieve a greater velocity with a given applied force, right? ;)
Does anyone think I actually wrote the above comment? I'll give you one guess about who the author was. :)
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