Distance: 0.77 miles
Time: 7 minutes

On day 6 (yesterday) I ran in the evening just as the sun was setting. It was a nice time for a run and I used it to blow off steam. It was a stressful day because I spoke to a friend who is going through a really hard time and I was worried for her. I found myself really angry in general. I couldn't really pinpoint a person who I was angry at, just angry at the situation. Running was a nice escape. Although, to be honest, it definitely didn't feel the way I imagine it feels for experienced runners when
they run to blow off steam. I didn't feel the freedom of running quite as much as the feeling of bordering on death by lack of oxygen. Not that I'm complaining. Near death experiences are also pretty good at distracting you from other feelings. I felt much better after my run.
Running definitely distracts me from everything but the pain in my body! :)
Hahahaha. "I didn't feel the freedom of running quite as much as the feeling of bordering on death by lack of oxygen." Love it.
Sounds like you're enjoying your runs more..? :)
I like the same quote Teen likes.
I know what you mean about running angry, too. I had the best run in my life after getting really, really, angry. One of my best weightlifts was similarly inspired. Sorry to hear you had to be angry on your friend's behalf, though. Hope things go better for her/him.
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