I'm baaa-aaaaack! And I didn't fail! Woooohooo! Despite epic failure to blog this month, after today I will have completed my perfect month of extra time. And honestly, I have gotten SO MUCH DONE!
Lilly has a dentist appointment, I have a dermatology appointment (when I finally set it up I found out the referral was expired--my doctor referred me there a few days more than a year ago....oh boy...). Basically, to spare you from a list of things I've done, I'll just tell you there are a lot of things like that that I've been putting off for a YEAR and are now officially crossed off my to-do list.
I have something way more exciting to blog about, anyway!
Last weekend, Matt, Lilly, and I (and baby-in-my-tummy) went on a roadtrip to St. Paul for one of my best friends' wedding! It was a blast and I have pictures to prove it!
We left Friday morning at about 5:30am, sleepy Lilly in tow. We fully expected her to sleep for at least a few hours, but.... NOPE. We fully expected her to cry and squawk and plead to get out of her carseat but....also NOPE. She quietly cuddled with her blankie the entire 4 hour drive to the hotel where Em had her breakfast. It was amazing! Matt and I felt like we were newlyweds again, talking and enjoying each others' company the whole way there! And I remembered...I love road trips! (Under the right circumstances, of course).
We got a little turned around in St. Paul and wound up about 20 minutes late for the breakfast, by the time we'd changed into our formals. Also, we realized we forgot to bring ANY shoes for Lilly and we'd forgotten to grab her dress from the car. So poor Lilly looked like a dirty little rag-a-muffin with messy hair and the white, stained t-shirt she was sleeping in. That did not keep Dave from being a complete lifesaver and holding her for us while we ate. Lilly LOVES him. The two bonded and played while we hung out with Emily and Jeremy, Deb, and the rest of the table.
The food was delicious and the hotel where the breakfast was held was breathtaking. Emily and Jeremy seemed so happy and it was fun to see them together.
After the breakfast, we headed over to the temple, but on the way swung by K-Mart to buy Lilly some shoes. She was so excited about her "Pwetty new white shoes!"
The temple sealing was beautiful and, yes, I cried. It felt to me like the sealer's words to Emily and Jeremy before the sealing were so specifically what the Lord wanted them to hear on this important day. Lilly got to hang out in the waiting room with Emily's sisters and cousins. (So sweet of them to watch her for us!)
Here's Lilly playing her favorite game of the day:
And here are Em and Jeremy exiting the temple right after getting married! So cute. I love Emily's "now what?" comment.
Here is a Here are some pictures from after the wedding:
During the reception I decided to be the videographer, which left Matt taking care of Lilly all by himself (bless him!). They quickly found themselves at the playground across the street from the church. :)
Here, Lilly made her appearance at the reception and quickly found her favorite person there: Emily's dad, Dave. :)
And her second favorite person, "Pwetty bwide Emiwy in hew pwetty white dwess!"
The three amigas reunited! We are ALL off the market now. Sorry, boys. It was also fun to see many other old friends who I haven't seen in a long time. Unfortunately, I was so busy with the video cam that I didn't get many pictures.
Now, in order to maintain some pretense about this post having anything to do with my goal, I'd better update: Friday night, IN THE HOTEL, with the BIG FLAT SCREEN HD TV, we watched one and only one tv show. Wooo hhoooo! I'm amazing. And Lilly was SO exhausted after her non-stop-from-5:30am-on-day, that she fell asleep in the car on the way to the hotel from the reception, stayed asleep when we plucked her out of her carseat, and didn't wake up until 8:00am the next morning. :)
Speaking of the next morning, we had a great time with my brother, Mark. He joined us for a morning swim in the hotel pool (which was sooo warm and comfy), then we spent the day at the Mall of America and the evening at his apartment where he made us a DELICIOUS homemade pizza.
Here we are at the MOA. Lilly was ecstatic to see a life-size (bigger than life size in her case) robot wandering the halls. She has been very into robots lately and even has her own costume, which I believe has already been featured on this blog.
We decided to splurge and check out the Aquarium while we were there, too. It was a blast! Unfortunately you can't see much of the fish in this picture, but it sure is a cute bro/sis pic!
Here we are at Mark and Len's place. We told them pretty last-minute that we'd be in town, and she had plans already, so we didn't get to see much of her, but Lilly loved every minute that she was home. :)
And there she is bonding with her uncle, Mark, or as she called him: "Muncle."
Alright, I hope you'll all excuse my travelog, but I figured at least Emily and Mark would enjoy it. I'll do another post to wrap up what I learned from this perfect month, since it is officially complete!